
I hate getting stuck in writing. I though I had part of the second book to Branded (throwing around the idea of FORSAKEN for the title...) but I'm starting to realize that I don't like it that much and I'm not sure if it's really going to work. I have a vague idea but not sure about the details. It's not a major thing I'm stuck on, the general story line is all there, just this one part... So frustrating. I'll figure it out though, I always do. It always seems like I figure it out at the most random times and in the weirdest places. It makes me laugh sometimes...

Just a ramble now...

Is it just me or are angels cropping up everywhere now? I've recently seen at least 3 new books come out recently that are centered around angels. They are all VERY different takes than mine but still. Then I saw one of those side adds the other day on facebook for a movie called Legion I think that is about a fallen angel. Now, most of these books and such are about fallen angels and mine isn't but man, I guess there really is no such thing as an original idea. I was quite excited when I had the idea for Branded cause I'd never heard of anything else out there like it. It seems all these other people beat me to publication. Dang them... lol

1 comment:

Steve Barrington said...

totally feel for you there...I think I come up with brilliant original ideas all the time, and then I see a random tv show or movie or book with the same idea. Little frustrating, but like you said, you push through. I have no doubt yours is probably the best idea :)