Updates and what's up with Keary

Wow, I realized it's been seriously like forever since I've done an update on my own writing, besides releasing Vindicated's cover and release date.  Shame on me!

So the status:

I am hard at work on Vindicated and finishing up the editing.  Things are moving along fantastically and I hope to be sending it off to my editor tomorrow or Saturday.  While I wait on him I'll be going through one more round of edits and then I'll plug all of his edits in and work on any issues he finds with it.  After that it's just a matter of getting the formatting done and prepping for the release!  Soooo close to having it get out there!  I am so excited for all of you to read it!

I don't think that it's fully hit me until just recently that I am almost finished with the Fall of Angels trilogy.  Finished.  No more writing about Jessica, Alex, and Cole.  Their story will be done being told.  Weird.  And wow.  I started writing Branded over 2 1/2 years ago and these characters have been chatting in my head for so long.  It will be strange to move on from them!

What's next after Fall of Angels you may ask?  I don't want to give a whole lot away because I am still plotting, letting the story and characters form in my head, but I will tell you this: it is a YA contemporary.  No science fiction, no fantasy.  You'd think someday I'd settle on a genre and stick with it, but what can I say?  I gotta write what the muse tells me to write.

Other than that I've just been super busy with graphic design work.  I currently have 3 book cover's lined up and 1 bookmark.  I am getting to work with some seriously fantastic authors and I can't wait to share the designs with all of you!

So that's about it!  I'm signing off now to go spend the rest of the day with my 2 year old birthday boy!  Can't believe how old my baby is getting!

1 comment:

Amber said...

Can't Wait!!!! So excited to read the last book!