
News, Vlogs, Covers, and Titles!

How's that for a title, eh?

But yes, I have news and a vlog!  Check it out:

How's that for you?!  Forgive my novice vlog making skills.  If you guys have recommendations for awesome movie making/editing software that isn't too pricey, please let me know.

Now, I know you didn't get a very big view of the covers so scroll down a bit and I'll give you the full size versions!









Now all together!

If someone out there is a Goodreads Librarian, would you please go pop the covers on there?  For some reason Goodreads hates me and won't let me put them up... (book 2 is HERE, book 3 is HERE)

I hope you like the covers!  I will be getting the paperback version of THE BANE switched soon, but it takes a lot longer than all the digital versions.

I am also hoping to start vloging more often, so if you have something you'd like to hear me talk about, please let me know!


Nicole said...

Very cool - they pack a punch!

Katie Kay said...

I like the new redesign. The titles all match perfectly and definitely let people know that they all belong to the same trilogy. The cover and title of "The Human" make me feel even more excited to read it!

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Rather interesting vlogs! Waiting for next!

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Unknown said...

Amazing arts!!!


Lance said...

Appreciaate you blogging this