I’m not usually one of those writers who get’s ideas that come to them at random moments. I don’t keep a notebook next to my bed because ideas come to me at 2 in the morning. It occasionally happens but not often. I get my ideas when I’m sitting down in front of my laptop with a notebook and pen next to it. There are a lot of times where I stare at a blank screen and sheet of paper for a long time but something eventually comes. The point is, you need to sit down and put the time in if you want to get something written.
Nathan Bransford, a literary agent, did this seriously great post on how the greatest strength of a writer is willpower. Check the article out HERE. Stick at it. If you want to write bad enough you’ll find a way to make it happen and you’ll find something to write about. If that doesn’t happen, you don’t want it bad enough.
I feel like I’ve finally gotten into a groove with Forsaken. It’s taken me a long, long time to get there but I’m finally there. The reason I got there? I finally started sitting down everyday, sometimes multiple times a day to work on it. I’ve been trying to take 2 hours a day, though out the day to work on my writing. 2 hours doesn’t seem like much but believe me, in my current situation in life, it’s a lot.
Now, I rant about putting in the time but that doesn’t mean that other things aren’t going to suffer a little bit because of that diverted time. Other things are going to go undone. Today I realized that I didn’t have more than one clean pair of underware and that there was a heaping mountain of laundry to be done. My kids watch way too much TV to keep them out of my hair for a while so I can write. My bathroom really, really needs to be cleaned. And there are endless other things that need to be done but don’t get done because I choose to write instead.
So, are you willing to pay a price for writing? Are you willing to put in the “butt-in-chair” time?
Gads- the only reason I go to bed so late is to write without an audience. :D And yeah- a lot of things don't get done, but spending time with the children is the most important and when they're taking a nap or down for bed for the night- that's when I write. I guess there is an advantage to having a husband that works graves. :D
2hours productive writing time is huge!
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